Welcome to LOTR 92 home FAQ songs and poems archives links Hello! I'm glad you've stopped by! Please look around the site, and read the FAQs. This week's web challenge and update is bellow. "All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost'" 4/15/05--It is a sad time. Thomen has left Blind Guardian, and this site is officially dead. I'm not taking it down, but there will be no more updates. I'm currently running two other websites, and I really don't have the time or energy to keep it going. So goodbye, thank you for the support, and please look at my other sites, the New Bagenders (see below) and Cold-Blooded Toast 11/21/04--Long time no see. I said a week. Heh. School can do that to you. What obsession time I've had has gone into another project: the New Bagenders. If you aren't familiar with the comic genius of bagenders, I direct you to the links page. Ololay and I were heartbroken when they announced that there wouldn't be any more. So we wrote our own. I invite you to see the results at this address Some type of a better update later. I actually have a Thanksgiving vacation (huzzah!) and I might, just might, have free time.
8/23/04With all the end of summer travelling I've been doing, its been rare for me to get in sight of a computer, much less update. Sadly, the situation isn't going to improve soon. The next feature I'm doing is on Figwit. Figwit is the reason I got into the lotr web world, and so he deserves a little showcase. This is in progress, and will hopefully be up in a week or so. For now, I ask you to send your thoughts to the Domland Caribou (see links page), as they face the Eldar for the MEHA championship. They need all the help they can get. And please, do the webquest. It isn't hard, why won't anyone try? *sulks*
One last thing about our favorite actors. I have recently seen Karl Urban (Eomer) and Martin Csokas (Celeborn) in the Bourne Supremacy. I recommend seeing it, as they were both in interesting roles, but it is a very violent movie. Also, John Rhys Davies in the Princess Diaries 2. That was an extremly stupid exercise in stupidity, but it was fun to see him both tall and evil. I also saw trailers for movies with Sean Bean and Orlando Bloom. What's a fangirl to do? Spend a lot a money at the movies, thats what. The pics above are Karl, John - and Orli in Kingdom of Heaven.
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