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FAQs for LotR 92

Q: What is the Lord of the Rings?

A: *is very shocked* Have you been living on Saturn? You mean to say that you have missed the movies, the books, the random teenagers (and some older people) talking to their imaginary hobbit friends? You poor soul. Go to your nearest library and take out The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien immediately. Though really, if you don't know about Lord of the Rings, why are you here?

Q: Why 92?
? A: Its tripod's fault. I wanted it to be just LotR, plain and simple. But no, someone already had that. And oddly, someone already had lotr9. So, we end up with 92. If I had been thinking clearly, I would have made it lotr3791, refering to the rings, but I wasn't so every one will have to live with having a hard to rememer address. Solution: Until I get my own domain, bookmark.

Q: What is this site anyway?
A: This site is my pathetic excuse for a hobby. Seriously, it is a place where me ( I ?) and anyone who is helping me, bring to gather all the best, funniest, and most interesting Lord of the Rings stuff on and off the web. I update and add things at least once a week, so come back often.

Q: Who is Orli/Elijah/PJ/Billy/Dom/Viggo etc.?
A:See LotR cast and crew list here

Q: Will you link to my site?
If its LotR related, and/or I really think its cool, I will. Email me and I'll let you know. The address is areofa@maine.rr.com.

Q: Can I link to Lotr92?
Of course, no need to ask. Someday I will have a special button you can use, but it isn't done yet.

Q: Why is something here that isn't LotR related?
A: Often things that at first glance are a little off topic, are really related some how. But a few things are here just because I think they are cool, and I can't resist posting them. Being strict is no fun.

Q: Who are you?
A: The "I" that is writting is known to her friends and Internet acquaintances as Inwai. She likes to write in third person. As you can see from her email address, she lives in Maine. We have very cold winters, and it is easy to get bored, which probably is the reason for this site. There isn't much to do but see RotK many times (three and counting). I spend most of my time reading fantasy, drawing bad pictures of knights, singing and figure skating. In addition to LotR, it is probably not a good idea to mention any of these subjects to me unless you are ready for long rants and arguements: Politics in general, and George W. in particular, the death of Sirius Black, astro physics, and various historical figures like Charlemange, Henry VIII, Thomas Moore, Adam Smith, and Otto Van Bismark. My favorite bands are Blind Guardian, Brackett and the Drill Bits, Our Lady Peace and Train. My favorite sports teams are the Philadelphia 76ers, the Boston Red Sox, and the Dom-Land Caribou. Thats probably more than you wanted to know.

Q: Why doesn't * * work?
A: For several possible reasons. First, its because I haven't finished it yet. This site is a work in progress. Second, I made a mistake. Its quite possible I have wrong links or something like that. I'll probably get to fixing it. If there's something else, like bandwidth or something, I can't do much. My knowledge of html is weak, and my knowledge of java and everything else is weaker. I can try bullying more knowledgable friends into doing it for me. If you are having a problem, let me know and I'll try. See email address above.

NEWQ: How do updates work?
A: See the bottom item in the archives. Basicly, they happen when I have time.