8/5/04I finally have time for a real update. Don't I deserve applause? There is a new webquest on the page. This one might be too easy. After the first try, though, I think people may appreciate it. There are only two steps to the solution, and I gave hints. Get on your thinking caps and give it a whack! As always, I'm open to feedback.
As long promised, this week's feature is The Lord of the Peeps! It's just what it sounds like: a spoof of LotR with peeps. Yes. Frodo is now suger-coated marshmallow. Laughing til you fall off your chair is an inherent danger. Obviously, I suggest you read/watch the actual film. This can be found at Lordofthepeeps.com. Also fun is Ollolay's interview with Orlando Peep
Finally, I wrote an article about how I discovered LotP for The Penguin Files. It can be found here.
Namarië! home FAQ songs and poems archives links Archive 7/29/04 I'm sorry I haven't been able to update anywhere near as much as I promised. I'll get better (fingers crossed). From the feedback I've gotten, I've decided the webquest is too hard. I'm working on a new one, which will be much easier, and I'll post it in the next couple days. Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the publishing of the Fellowship of the Ring! Its pretty amazing how far this book has come in 50 years. Among the many tributes today, there is a collection of posts on theonering.net. Many of them have been stored here. Its definately worth checking out. 7/10/04 YEEAAH! The site is up! After about a year of coding, its mostly finished! As a little intro, here is an explanation of the way updates are going to work. There will be normal updates like this one approximately every week, though it may take me longer once school starts. They are each going to feature a part of LotR fandom. This part is starting next week with Lord of the Peeps. Also there will be daily quotations from the book or movie. Finally, the LotR web challenge. These are combination trivia/scavenger hunt/I don't know, but its going to be hard. These will be every few weeks. The link to the current one is above. The winner gets this Since the page looked empty, here is a piece of eye candy. No, I'm not an Orlando groupie. Relax. Its just... who could resist :)? Have fun, and check back often.
Here is a joke I made myself: How many many hobbits does it take to change a lightbulb? |